
  • 日期:2024年8月2-3日
  • 地點:臺北醫學大學 雙和校區 陳榮洲國際會議廳
  • 新北市中和區圓通路301號(教學研究大樓八樓)
  • 更多年會資訊:https://www.reacta2024.org/
The REACTA Forum 2024, taking place on 2–3 August in Taipei, will showcase key achievements of clinical trials across Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and the wider Asia region, with focuses on the introduction of new technologies and application of AI to trial implementation in the digital era.
  • Date: August 2-3, 2024
  • Venus: Tang Yong Chew International Conference Hall, Taipei Medical University Shaung Ho Campus
  • For more information: https://www.reacta2024.org/
學生研究獎 甄選公告
海報收件截止日期:2024.07.05 中午11:59分
口頭報告日期:2024.08.03 於雙和校區
  • 參加資格
    • 海報競賽:國內外大專校院碩、博士班學生
    • 口頭報告競賽:通過海報競賽初選且可使用英文進行演說者
  • 競賽規則
    • 本次競賽以英語進行,所有參賽者應使用英文製作競賽素材(如摘要、海報及簡報等),通過海報競賽初選者應以英語進行口頭報告。
  • 競賽獎勵
    1. 海報競賽:參賽證明書一紙
    2. 口頭報告競賽:於2024年8月3日 REACTA 2024年會舉行口頭報告競賽,並於活動當天頒發以下獎項:
    • 特優獎:獎狀一紙及獎金【10000】元整
    • 優等獎:獎狀一紙及獎金【6000】元整
    • 佳作獎:獎狀一紙及獎金【3000】元整
REACTA 2024 Call for Abstracts
Call for Abstracts Deadline: July 5, 2024, 11:59:59 (AoE)
Announcement of Acceptance: July 15, 2024
Date of Oral Presentation: August 3, 2024
  • 【Eligibility】
    • Poster Competition: Graduatestudents from colleges and universities worldwide.
    • Oral Presentation Competition: Participants who have passed the preliminary selection of the poster competition and are able to deliver speeches in English.
  • 【Submission Guidelines】
    • This competition will be conducted in English. All participants shouldcreate their competition materials in English (e.g., abstracts, posters, and presentation slides). Participants who pass the preliminary selection of the poster competition must deliver their oral presentations in English.
  • 【Rewards】
    • 1. Poster Competition: Certificate of participation
    • 2. Oral Presentation Competition: Participants presenting their oral presentations during REACTA 2024 will have a chance to win one the following awards.
      1. Outstanding Award-Certificate of recognition and a prize of NT$10,000
      2. Excellence Award-Certificate of achievement and a prize of NT$6,000
      3. Merit Award-Certificate of commendation and a prize of NT$3,000